Digital Post Production Welcome to your Digital Post Production The process of increasing a file size by adding pixels that are created based on the tonal values of surrounding pixels, is known as A. Chromatic aberration B. Interpolation C. Sharpening D. Image Tiling None The range of colors that can be captured or reproduced by any device is known as A. dynamic range B. gamut C. luminance D. hue None Which of the following color spaces can produce the widest range of color? A. RGB B. sRGB C. Pro Photo RGB D. CMYK None Which or the following is best suited for creating subtle changes in the softening of skin in an image? A. Use a blending mode B. Use an adjustment layer and reduce the opacity C. Use a clipping mask D. Use a "Gaussian Blur" on a background layer None When making adjustments to individual RGB channels of a color image that has been converted to black and white, adding green will effectively A. lighten greens and darken reds and blues B. darken greens and lighten reds and blues C. add a monochromatic green tint to the entire image D. add a green tint to the white values of the black and white image None Which of the following tools would work best for working an image to place additional emphasis on the subject by darkening the corners and surrounding areas? A. Contrast adjustments B. Clone Tool C. Burn Tool D. Dodge Tool None The most precise method of calibrating a computer monitor is by A. visually observing the monitor while manually adjusting the monitor color control B. manually adjusting the monitor to the printer’s factory setting C. using a hardware profiler to create a monitor profile D. using the operating system software and selecting the "auto" setting for monitor calibration None When editing a digital image taken in a low light situation, which adjustment needs to be performed in order to remove the undesired little red, green and blue film grain -like effect in the image? A. Desaturate B. Luminance C. Color balance D. Noise reduction None When sending digital files to a magazine for publication, the preferred color space is A. Adobe RGB B. sRGB C. CMYK D. Pro Photo RGB None Which of the following file types would be best for preserving layers for editing at a later time? A. GIF B. PDF C. JPG D. PSD None When selecting a computer to process digital images, which of the following should be given priority? A. A fast CPU and a large amount of RAM B. A fast video card and a 2 TB hard drive C. HDMI monitor output and a fast CPU D. Large amount of RAM and 2 TB hard drive None What is used to standardize the color values of an image seen on a monitor with the output of a printer? A. Pigment inks B. Monitor profile C. ICC profile D. Color space None Which of the following color spaces has the smallest gamut? A. RGB B. sRGB C. Pro Photo RGB D. CMYK None "Fringes" of color along the edges separating dark and very bright values in an images is known as A. Chromatic Aberration B. Artifacts C. Moire D. Barrel distortion None Be sure to click Submit Quiz to see your results! Time's up By Steve Kozak|2020-04-20T18:55:36-05:00February 24, 2016|Comments Off on Digital Post Production Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXBlueskyRedditLinkedInWhatsAppTelegramTumblrPinterestXingEmail About the Author: Steve Kozak