Welcome to your Lesson Three: Depth of Field

1. The f-stops serve two purposes - what are they?

2. What is Depth of Field?

3. Why would you want to move the lens from F4 to F2.8?

4. If you move the f-stop from F5.6 to F8, what happens to the amount of light that reaches the sensor?

5. If you move the f-stop from F5.6 to F8, what happens to the depth of field?

6. What happens to the depth of field when you move the lens from F11 to F16?

7. What happens to the amount of light reaching the sensor when you move the lens from F11 to F16?

8. If you are photographing with a 50mm lens, which camera-to-subject distance would create the largest depth of field?

9. Which lens would provide the photographer with the best option for a shallow depth of field?

10. If you are photographing with a 200mm lens, which camera-to-subject distance would create the shallowest depth of field?